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Cubism Cont
Question 1 Step 1) Use the Marquee tool to select one part of the image and then use Ctrl/Cmd + J to copy it into its own layer. Step 2) Click the Layers palette's "Add a layer style" icon and select Inner Glow. Set the blending mode to Multiply and increase the size and reduce the opacity. Step 3) To give the new layer a different angle, Ctrl/Cmd + click the layer in the Layers palette to select its non-transparent pixels. Choose Edit > Free Transform and stretch the layer by dragging any of the bounding box handles. Alternatively, rotate it by moving the cursor just outside the corner and dragging when the cursor changes into a curved, two-sided arrow. Step 4) To skew the layer, hold down the Ctrl/Cmd key and drag a corner when the cursor changes to a solid arrow. When the layer shape looks right, double-click inside the bounding box or press the Enter key. Step 5) In the Layers palette, activate the original image layer again and repeat steps 1–4 un...
A Letter To The Past
Dear Young Alaina, This is 14 year old Alaina, hiya. I came to warn and tell you about things you may need to consider. Things like writing ona sticky note to remind you to take photos for a prodject. Also, think really hard about your prodject ideas, you could do soooo much better than what you did. Don't be so lazy, and look around you, so many oportunities for amazing photos. Sure you may need angles and stuff for the 'perfect' photos, but it doesnt take too much for a really good idea to come to life. So try hard and behave. Also, Id say the photo above is the best prodject atm, thanks to loosing all of my old ones, and because it genuinally had creativity and looks good. Though its not the best I couldve done. My hands wer shaking trying to do this prodect. Oof on me. I hope this helps. Anyhow, Im gonna say goodbye now. Still continuing to push through everything. Wish you luck and hope. Good day. ~Alaina D. (Friday of Feburary 21, 2020.)
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